Saturday, December 06, 2008

You raise me up- to walk on stormy seas

I just loved this when I saw it, while busy this afternoon transferring video's to my PC, I could not resist the temptation to put it on the blog with the back ground music - it came to me in a flash while watching and so I must share it NOW, opportunities come ago and this flash of genius had to be taken and preserved.

Leon-Tania and Billy @ Die OOG - HOLIDAY RESORT- Nylstroom SA

Please note: Billy did it in one go but Leon had to have two goes,,,,, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Elizma said...

I smiled the whole way through. I love you guys...

BILL and RIA said...

Sterke Pa! Leon, mmmmmmm he got there eventually. Simson se lang hare wou nie help nie?! MMMM

BILL and RIA said...

Goeie kamerawerk! ;-)


The camera man/lady deserves the Oscar for best filming. The video is wonderful.