Tuesday, November 30, 2010

From Zero to Hero or is that minus 8deg C

Well, it has been said from the MET OFFICE  - Weather Bureau, that this is the coldest November week in 17 years and the earliest snow in 29years here. The pictures of the snow across the country are toooo beautiful -  when you watch the BBC News and weather forecast.

Every time it has snowed here, and it has every winter, ever since we arrived, Leon told us Surrey does not get much snow, HA HA HA. I put same old photo's on the blog, but just for the record - here are our first SNOW PICS this year of 2010/11 winter, taken early this morning in our front garden.

  FROM THIS - I must say - when we were down at the coast a few weeks ago in Cornwall
to This surprise today 30-11-2010