Sunday, June 29, 2008


Many things happen along the way in our lives, and unfortunately a lot of them we take for granted, but when we look back and really think about these things we realize that they are meant to be and they are some form of DESTINY in one way or another. Just over a year ago we made that all important decision to move, and move we did. To the UK. Now many things have happen in our lives, as the old wedding vow goes " FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE" & " FOR RICHER OR FOR POORER" well what could be BETTER or what could be RICHER than what we have got now. It is almost impossible to put it into words. There is also the Worse and POORER, Your age counts against you and according to the powers that be in a new country this age is documented as just over 1 year old, with no history and no credit rating, no matter what you have done or achieved in your past life. Now comes the SECOND most wonderful thing that has happened since arriving in the UK is that we have bought a new house, I am not even going to mention what the FIRST most fantastic thing is, YOU GUESS. Now back to the richer/poorer/better/worse. There is a hidden factor in these wise words and that is our three wonderful children, the support and motivation - LOVE and dedication can not be described. Tania in her special ways has been an inspiration, Leon and Elizma have far exceeded expectations and the way they have helped with this major decision ..... now lost for words............. Never mind we have signed up for a mortgage, and that "WE" is a team of the kids and us. Now we set about on a new venture in our lives and if all goes well we move into our NEW HOUSE at the end of AUGUST. This is when the RICHER and the BETTER shine through when one looks back over your shoulder and you see your kids in the background....... WONDERFUL to be a Mom & Dad and then of course there is that FIRST MOST WONDERFUL THING and that's "LIAM". He is going to spend many a happy hour or two and of course that baby sitting over night and long week-ends for a LEOLIZMA getaway. Join us in the celebration of our NEW HOUSE. Listen to the words of the back round music and mentally change the words of Sea, wind, ocean & waves to Leon-Elizma & Tania, and the ROTS to LIAM.

music from "FORTUKSIMO- CD" 4 students from TUKKIES - Pretoria University SA

Monday, June 16, 2008


To win them all is no secret, but just in-case any of you have forgotten how, here is a quick reminder. All you need to do, is to look at your kids and then you can say with PRIDE - "I HAVE WON THEM ALL" When we look and see what our kids have achieved and what joy they bring back to us, for all our moans and groans when they were growing up and the time we had to use TUV-LOVE.

Today I realized once again how proud it is to be a DAD. Not withstanding the fact that we now have little Liam in our midst but we also have a New FATHER who celebrated his first fathers day today with Elizma in the background for the day
Then there is Madampie - alias Tania, who helped me celebrate a fantastic Fathers day. This card had a wonderful message of devoted and endless love and to end it all, also had a written present that was in the inner side of the states ------ Join me for an overnight road trip on Saturday 26th July 2008. Pack comfortable clothes. We leave your house at 7am sharp. Its a FATHER-DAUGHTER BONDING SESSION.

After I opened and read the card, she gave me a few guesses what its all about _ I was miles and miles away, down some LONG AND WINDING ROAD from the event, she then let the cat out the bag. We are driving upto to LIVERPOOL, staying in a hotel and going on the Life of THE BEATLES TOUR. well with all the songs that come to mind I must mention a few... Cant buy me love and Love me do, so please please me. YEAH YEAH YEAH -- GET BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG and I wanna hold your HAND. etc etc etc.

Ria must stay behind at home and baby-sit Tania's doggy for the week-end, so she is making a major impact on the success of the TOUR and adding VALUE to the BONDING of "OU GROOTE & MADAMPIE"

Now if that wasn't enough, I got the card from Leon & Elizma with a loving memorable little message from both of them and a ...YES! A PACKET OF SMASHING BILTONG.

That made the OUTOPPIE'S DAY and once again made my shoulders that little much broader to be able to say, That's my 3 kids we are talking about + Liam + Ria.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


WILLIAM JOHN COWLE, born in Gateshead-Newcastle Upon Tyne in the north east of England on the 26th July 1917.

Then along came junior, William John Cowle, born in Germiston -South Africa on the 23rd September 1949.

Adding to this, Daddy Leon William Cowle was also born in Germiston - South Africa on the 22nd June 1974

and then to round the whole thing off, William Daniel Cowle "Liam" was born in Woking- Surrey, England on the 1st June 2008

from England to Africa and back again to England

Sunday, June 01, 2008


just click here and see me with my Mommy and Daddy

Oupa Billy will be putting a whole story together toninght if he does not have to much CHAMPAGNE

Cheers and talk to you later


LIAM - William Daniel Cowle - its me again!

Let it be known to the world that the registration of the birth of the first born, a son, of Leon and Elizma will be taking place. The witnesses to this historic occasion will be the proud Grand-Parents - Billy & Ria. Now, if my calculations are correct and the XL spread sheet of the whole families birthdays are correct, with some minor mathematics and we add up all the living family members, from Molly through to Kevin with all their partners, kids and grand kids - LIAM is NUMBER 50.

LIAM made his appearance at around 02h10 on the 1st of June 2008
Leon-Elizma-and the bundle of joy-Liam
MaRia and PaBilly are so proud of you